lumen per square foot (lm/ft2) to lux (lx) conversion
lumen per square foot (lm/ft2) to lux (lx) converter
Formula of lumen per square foot (lm/ft2) to lux (lx) , is 1 lumen per square foot (lm/ft2) is equivalent to 10.76 lux (lx). To calculate just use formula 10.76 lux (lx) * lumen per square foot (lm/ft2)
Calculation chart
170*10.76= 1829.2
240*10.76= 2582.4
310*10.76= 3335.6
450*10.76= 4842
560*10.76= 5380
630*10.76= 6778.8
729*10.76= 7844.04
810*10.76= 8715.6
840*10.76= 9038.4
1070*10.76= 11513.2
1100*10.76= 11836
1200*10.76= 12912
1330*10.76= 14310.8
1410*10.76= 15171.6
1502*10.76= 16161.52
1609*10.76= 17312.84
1790*10.76= 19260.4
1808*10.76= 19454.08
1900*10.76= 20444
2400*10.76= 25824