roentgen (R) to coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) conversion
roentgen (R) to coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) converter
Formula of roentgen (R) to coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) , is 1 roentgen (R) is equivalent to 0.000258 coulomb per kilogram (C/kg). To calculate just use formula 0.000258 coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) * roentgen (R)
Calculation chart
170*0.000258= 0.04386
240*0.000258= 0.06192
310*0.000258= 0.07998
450*0.000258= 0.1161
560*0.000258= 0.129
630*0.000258= 0.16254
729*0.000258= 0.188082
810*0.000258= 0.20898
840*0.000258= 0.21672
1070*0.000258= 0.27606
1100*0.000258= 0.2838
1200*0.000258= 0.3096
1330*0.000258= 0.34314
1410*0.000258= 0.36378
1502*0.000258= 0.387516
1609*0.000258= 0.415122
1790*0.000258= 0.46182
1808*0.000258= 0.466464
1900*0.000258= 0.4902
2400*0.000258= 0.6192