knot (nautical mile per hour) to meter per second (m/s) conversion
knot (nautical mile per hour) to meter per second (m/s) converter
Formula of knot (nautical mile per hour) to meter per second (m/s) , is 1 knot (nautical mile per hour) is equivalent to 0.5144 meter per second (m/s). To calculate just use formula 0.5144 meter per second (m/s) * knot (nautical mile per hour)
Calculation chart
170*0.5144= 87.448
240*0.5144= 123.456
310*0.5144= 159.464
450*0.5144= 231.48
560*0.5144= 257.2
630*0.5144= 324.072
729*0.5144= 374.9976
810*0.5144= 416.664
840*0.5144= 432.096
1070*0.5144= 550.408
1100*0.5144= 565.84
1200*0.5144= 617.28
1330*0.5144= 684.152
1410*0.5144= 725.304
1502*0.5144= 772.6288
1609*0.5144= 827.6696
1790*0.5144= 920.776
1808*0.5144= 930.0352
1900*0.5144= 977.36
2400*0.5144= 1234.56