poundal second per square foot to pascal second (Pa · s) conversion
poundal second per square foot to pascal second (Pa · s) converter
Formula of poundal second per square foot to pascal second (Pa · s) , is 1 poundal second per square foot is equivalent to 1.488 pascal second (Pa · s). To calculate just use formula 1.488 pascal second (Pa · s) * poundal second per square foot
Calculation chart
170*1.488= 252.96
240*1.488= 357.12
310*1.488= 461.28
450*1.488= 669.6
560*1.488= 744
630*1.488= 937.44
729*1.488= 1084.752
810*1.488= 1205.28
840*1.488= 1249.92
1070*1.488= 1592.16
1100*1.488= 1636.8
1200*1.488= 1785.6
1330*1.488= 1979.04
1410*1.488= 2098.08
1502*1.488= 2234.976
1609*1.488= 2394.192
1790*1.488= 2663.52
1808*1.488= 2690.304
1900*1.488= 2827.2
2400*1.488= 3571.2