British thermal unit (Btu) to joule (J) conversion
British thermal unit (Btu) to joule (J) converter
Formula of British thermal unit (Btu) to joule (J) , is 1 British thermal unit (Btu) is equivalent to 1055 joule (J). To calculate just use formula 1055 joule (J) * British thermal unit (Btu)
Calculation chart
170*1055= 179350
240*1055= 253200
310*1055= 327050
450*1055= 474750
560*1055= 527500
630*1055= 664650
729*1055= 769095
810*1055= 854550
840*1055= 886200
1070*1055= 1128850
1100*1055= 1160500
1200*1055= 1266000
1330*1055= 1403150
1410*1055= 1487550
1502*1055= 1584610
1609*1055= 1697495
1790*1055= 1888450
1808*1055= 1907440
1900*1055= 2004500
2400*1055= 2532000